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Martina Majok


Martyna Majok (/ˈmk/ MY-ohk) is a Polish-born American[1][2] playwright who received the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Dramafor her play Cost of Living. She emigrated to the United States as a child and grew up in New Jersey. Majok studied playwriting at the Yale School of Drama and Juilliard School. Her plays are often politically engaged, feature dark humor, and experiment with structure and time.

Her breakthrough came with the play Ironbound (2014). As her work gained wider acclaim and recognition, Majok, who has a diverse writing style, debuted Cost of Living(2016), Queens (2018), and Sanctuary City(2021). In April 2021, it was announced that she would adapt The Great Gatsby for the Broadway stage, with Florence Welch and Thomas Bartlett writing music.