Charlie Chaplin once said: “We think too much, and feel too little”, well at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute we learn to be in touch with those neglected feelings. I came here thinking I knew it all about acting, indeed I’ve never felt so grateful to be so wrong. My time at the Institute was a life changing experience, a revival. The teachers just know what they do, and how to do it. Every single one of them has the passion, inspiration and experience to teach you the method in the way Lee Strasberg would have wanted his Institution to carry.
I feel honored to be part now of that heritage that I cherish as the most important training of my 15 years Theater Arts study. The environment is propitious to the growth of any actor coming with the will to become better. I believe I have become a better actress, more confident, as I leave with the determination, fearlessness to enter the industry fully. I am also convinced to depart being a better person, keeping the humility that the Method implants in you: “You can always be better, so never stops the work.” And for that, I can only say; thank you!