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In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, we are privileged to name a new annual scholarship in honor of the artistic and passionate community of Los Angeles.

This scholarship award is for the 2 year Associate of Occupational Studies in Acting (Method Acting) Degree! The scholarship will be awarded to a talented actor that has been a student in the Los Angeles Unified School District for at least 1 year. The scholarship will be awarded to an actor who demonstrates great potential and passion for a career in the performing arts.

Los Angeles has been the home of countless storytellers, and we have been fortunate to be part of that community for the past 50 years. The unique voices of LA have always pushed the boundaries of creativity, and we are excited to develop the artistic voice of LA’s emerging artists.

The application deadline for The Los Angeles Community Scholarship is June 1.
The scholarship awards full tuition to the 2-year AOS degree program.

This program, event or activity is not presented, endorsed, recommended, supervised, approved or sponsored by the Los Angeles Unified School District.  The LAUSD assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or injury arising out of participation and is merely permitting this material to be disseminated at this facility because of the possible interest of students and/or faculty.  

Distribution Authorized: Steven McCarthy – LAUSD

Scholarship applications must be sent to [email protected]. Please scan and email ALL required documents.


  • 18 years or older by the start of the Fall semester of the current year.
  • Los Angeles applicant for the AOS Degree program.
  • Completed minimum of high school diploma or the equivalent with a 2.5 GPA (75/100) or higher by the start of term.
  • Been a student in the Los Angeles School District for at least 1 year.



  • One completed scholarship application
  • Copy of your latest academic transcript
  • Two letters of recommendation, no more than six months old from a professional or teacher who can speak about your work
  • Resume and Headshot


  • April 1: Opening date for accepting applications
  • June 1 of the current year: Application deadline; all materials must be emailed or postmarked by this date
  • June 23-30: Finalist Interviews. Only finalists will be interviewed (via Zoom)
  • July 7-15: Scholarship recipient decision; all finalists will be notified of outcome


  • Any incomplete applications will be disqualified.
  • Complete applications must be submitted by email to [email protected]
  • The application deadlines are strict- do not apply earlier or later or the application will not be considered. 
  • If you do not meet the minimum requirements, you will not be considered.
  • Application materials will not be returned.
  • After we receive your completed application, you will receive a confirmation receipt email.
  • Housing and books/materials are not included with the scholarship. The winning candidate will need to make their own housing arrangements.
  • There is no audition. If you are selected as a finalist, there is an interview that can be completed via Skype or in-person.
View all LA Scholarships