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  • By
  • Genre: Drama
  • Casting: BIPOC
  • Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2M, 2W


In 1955, in the redwood country north of San Francisco, a multiracial girl grows up in a predominantly white town whose residents pepper their speech with the historical dialect of Boontling. Found floating in a basket on the river as an infant, Bulrusher is an orphan with a gift for clairvoyance that makes her feel like a stranger even amongst the strange: the taciturn schoolteacher who adopted her, the madam who runs her brothel with a fierce discipline, the logger with a zest for horses and women, and the guitar-slinging boy who is after Bulrusher’s heart. Just when she thought her world might close in on her, she discovers an entirely new sense of self when a black girl from Alabama comes to town. Passionate, lyrical, and chock full of down-home humor, this play is an unforgettable experience by a new, thrilling voice.

Character Breakdown

Bulrusher: Muliracial/African-American, Fem-Prestenting, 17-25 Madame: White, Fem-Prestenting, 30-35 Logger: African-American/Multiracial, Male-Presesnting, 30-45 Schoolch: White, Male-Presenting, 30-45 Boy: Multiraial/African-American, 17-25 Vera: Multiracial/African-AMerican, 25-35