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David Storey


David Storey was born in Yorkshire. He studied at Wakefield Art School from 1951-53, and subsequently at the Slade School in London. After his art studies and a career as a professional rugby player, he turned to writing. His plays have been produced throughout the world to great acclaim. Mr. Storey’s work for television includes Home in 1971, and Grace, an adaptation from a story by James Joyce, which was shown on the BBC in 1974. He wrote the screenplay for his novel This Sporting Life and play In Celebration. Of his novels, This Sporting Life won the Macmillan Fiction Prize in 1960, Fight and Camden won the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial Prize in 1961 and the Somerset Maugham Award 1963. Pasmore won the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize in 1973 and Saville won the Booker Prize for Fiction in 1976. Mr. Storey’s other plays include The Changing Room, The Farm, and Stages.