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Online Acting Classes



Our Online Acting Program offers month-long virtual classes, designed for students 18 and over looking to start or continue their Method Acting journey. As the only acting school in the world that teaches Lee Strasberg’s work in its consummate form, the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute is the home for all actors seeking to delve into Method Acting. 

Unlike digital learning platforms which only provide one-way teaching, this program is entirely interactive, optimized for our students’ growth. All classes offered as part of this unique training series are held live on Zoom. Teachers are able to provide students with individualized feedback and provide instruction and adjustments in real time.

Please note that the below Online Acting classes are separate from our regular campus programs and do not count as credit toward Conservatory or degree completion.

4 Weeks | $350

A month-long class providing a perfect foundation in Lee Strasberg’s Method Acting technique. Open to all students, both new and returning.

4 Weeks | $350

A month-long class dedicated to a more focused study of Method Acting. Open to LSTFI alumni and students who have completed Method 101.

12 Weeks | $1200

Online Method Acting classes for students in Grades 7-12. Meets on Saturdays during the traditional school year (Fall, Winter, Spring).

Effective March 1, 2025: Method 101 & Method in Focus will increase to $400


Can acting really be taught online?

What platform do the online acting classes use?

What are the requirements to enroll?

Can online classes be accessed from my mobile phone?

Are the teachers able to interact with or give adjustments to the students?

What is the difference between Method 101 and taking an Intensive or full term program online?

Will online acting classes continue after COVID-19?

Are there benefits to taking classes online instead of in person?

Can I divide my Method 101 classes between the morning and evening sessions?

Do I have to take Method 101 before enrolling in a longer program?