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Alumni Classes – LA Campus


Acting Classes for Alumni in Los Angeles

As in most fields of artistic endeavor, however, the fundamentals of the actor’s craft must be practiced daily or else you go backwards… Actors must make a commitment to train daily and to work on their craft throughout their careers.

– Lee Strasberg, A Dream of Passion

Lee Strasberg believed that an actor’s education is never finished and underlined the importance of ongoing training. Honoring this sentiment, The Institute offers classes specifically designed for alumni to continue their actor training and keep their skills sharp – even as their professional careers develop. Continue reading to explore alumni opportunities available online and at the Los Angeles Campus.


Saturday Method Lab: Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday per month, 11:00am – 3:30pm PST. Saturday Method Labs are open to current students, alumni, and guests. New or prospective students may attend in an observation capacity only. For more information contact [email protected].

Monday Method Lab: Advanced Method Acting classes taught by Carlos Colunga, designed for alumni with representation. Monday Method Labs run once per month from 6:00pm – 10:00pm PST. These classes require invitation or instructor approval. Please email [email protected] to inquire.


Method in Focus is a 4-week online class dedicated to a more focused study of Method Acting and the industry. Each month’s session is taught on a new specialized topic, such as Advanced Sensory, Animal Exercise, Emotional Memory, Character Development, or Auditions & Self Tapes. Enrollment in Method in Focus requires previous study with LSTFI, allow the class to dive deeper within each subject.

Alumni FAQ: How do I access my transcripts?