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The Pittsburgh Free Press

The Pittsburgh Free Press (2024)
By Dan Giles

When a junior reporter decides to pursue a story against her editor’s wishes, her actions have unforeseen consequences for the alt weekly where she works, and for the staff doing everything they can to keep it alive.

Significant Other

Jordan Berman would love to be in love, but that’s easier said than done. So until he meets Mr. Right, he wards off lonely nights with his trio of close girlfriends.

Fahrenheit 451

Adapted by Ray Bradbury from his own classic novel, Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian future where books are banned and “firemen” burn them to suppress free thought.

Falkland’s Law

Four high-schoolers reunite at their elementary school playground to grapple with the loss of their best friend.

The Time of Your Life

The Time of Your Life By William Saroyan Directed by Peter Flood July 12 – July 14, 2024 | The […]


The Lee Strasberg Institute presents Arthur Laurents’ classic musical, Gypsy!

The Invitation

After auditioning for the role of a lifetime, eight actors receive a mysterious invite: Salutations. The Director was so pleased with your work and invites you to dine. Come hungry.

i’m sorry for your trouble

i’m sorry for your trouble (2023)
By Aniello Fontano

Joe is dead. Really dead. So tonight, four hours after her funeral, Joe’s childhood friends are gathering at their neighborhood bar.

Quinn the Magnificent

LSTFI proudly presents the 2023 StrasbergWORKS selection, Quinn the Magnificent by Paige Susan Anderson!

Really Really

Really Really By Paul Downs Colaizzo Directed by Jessica E. Williams, Omar Salazar and Adam Haganbouch July 7 – 9, […]


A joint production between the Institute and NYU Tisch at Strasberg, LSTFI presents Stephen Sondheim’s Assassins!


The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute is proud to present Branden Jacob-Jenkins’ Everybody, directed by Alfonso Rey.


Cornelius Boeder’s Scissors is selected as the 2022 StrasbergWORKS production!