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Tuition & Start Dates – LA Campus



STRF Fee may apply (details here)
2 Year Conservatory Program (72-Weeks 22 hours/week) $21,510 (billed annually)
1 Year Conservatory Program (36-Weeks 22 hours/week) $21,510
12-Week Full-time (22 hours/week) $7,170 
12-Week Part-Time (8 hours/week) $2,680  (add on 2/4 hour class: $920/$1470)
2-Week Intensive (36 hours, 2 weeks) $1625
AOS Degree program: (Annual Tuition Fall-Spring) $29,835(billed annually)
Rates above are tuition only. Additional fees may apply. See details.

TUITION RATES AUGUST 1, 2022 – January 30, 2024

2 Year Conservatory Program  (72-Weeks 22 hours/week) $20,475 (billed annually)
1 Year Conservatory Program (36-Weeks 22 hours/week) $20,475
12-Week Full-time (22 hours/week) $6,825
12-Week Part-Time (8 hours/week) $2,550  (add on 2 hour class: $875, add on 4 hour class: $1400)
2-Week Intensive (36 hours, 2 weeks) $1575
AOS Degree program: (Annual Tuition Fall-Spring) $28,976 (billed annually)

Payment plans available for all programs (Details here) except 2-Week Intensive.

Detailed Tuition Rate information

Tuition subject to annual increase (not to exceed 6%)

2-Week Intensive Tuition & Fees

until 1/30/24Eff. 1/31/24
Deposit (non-refundable) includes Registration Fee ($150) $800$800
STRF Fee$5*$*
Tuition Balance$925$975

*STRF Fee may apply ($2.50 per $1,000 of institutional charges as of 4/1/2022) Effective April 1, 2024, STRF will change to $0.00 per $1,000 of institutional charges.

12-Week Part-Time Tuition & Fees

Eff. 1/31/24
Tuition (8 hours/week)$2,680
Registration Fee  (non-refundable)$150
STRF Fee (non-refundable)$0*
Materials Fee* (non-refundable) applied 1st term only$150

Additional classes may be added to the part-time (12/8) program at an A-la-carte rate :
$875| $920 (eff. 1/31/24) for a 2-hour class (12-Weeks)*
$1400 | $1470 (eff. 1/31/24) for a 4-hour class (12-Weeks)*
*STRF Fee may apply ($2.50 per $1,000 of institutional charges as of 4/1/2022) Effective April 1, 2024, STRF will change to $0.00 per $1,000 of institutional charges.
2 payment plan: $50 non-refundable finance charge | 3 payment plan: $100 non-refundable finance charge 
All fees applied to first tuition payment.

12-Week Full-Time Tuition & Fees

eff. 1/31/24
Tuition (22 hours/week)$7,170
Registration Fee (non-refundable)$150 Domestic / $250 International
STRF Fee (non-refundable)$0*
Materials Fee* (non-refundable)applied 1st session$150

*STRF Fee may apply ($2.50 per $1,000 of institutional charges as of 4/1/2022) Effective April 1, 2024, STRF will change to $0.00 per $1,000 of institutional charges.

2 payment plan: $50 non-refundable finance charge | 3 payment plan: $100 non-refundable finance charge 
All fees applied to first tuition payment

One-Year Conservatory (Full-Time) Tuition & Fees

1-Payment Plan3-Payment Plan6-Payment Plan
Tuition (36 weeks)$21,510$21,510$21,510
Registration Fee (non-refundable)$150/Domestic $250/Int’l$150/Domestic $250/International$150/Domestic $250/International
STRF Fee (non-refundable)$0*$0*$0*
Materials Fee* (non-refundable)applied 1st session$150$150$150
Finance Fee (non-refundable)n/a$215$530

*STRF Fee may apply ($2.50 per $1,000 of institutional charges as of 4/1/2022) Effective April 1, 2024, STRF will change to $0.00 per $1,000 of institutional charges.
All fees applied to first tuition payment.

One-Year Conservatory (Part-Time Pathway) Tuition & Feesbilled by 12-Week term

12 weeks – 10 hours12 weeks – 12 hoursTotal for program (6 12-week terms)
Tuition (12-Weeks$3550 x 3$4100 x 3$22,950
Registration Fee (non-refundable)$150/Domestic x 3$150/Domestic x3$900/Domestic
STRF Fee ^ (non-refundable)$0*$0*$0*
Materials Fee*$150$150$150
Finance Fee (non-refundable)
(each 12-Weeks)
2 payments: $50 | 3 payments:$1002 payments: $50 |
3 payments:$100
max 2 payments: $300
max 3 payments: $600
Program Total$3,750|$3800$4300 | $4350$24,060 (no payment plans)
$24,360 (2 pay) | $24,660 (3 pay)
(requires 6 terms for completion alternating between 10 & 12 hour terms)

*STRF Fee may apply ($2.50 per $1,000 of institutional charges as of 4/1/2022) Effective April 1, 2024, STRF will change to $0.00 per $1,000 of institutional charges.

Two-Year Conservatory (Full-Time) Tuition & Fees

Lump Sum3-Payment Plan6-Payment Plan
Tuition (36 weeks, one-year)$21,510$21,510$21,510
Registration Fee (non-refundable)$150/Domestic $250/Int’l$150/Domestic $250/International$150/Domestic $250/International
STRF Fee (non-refundable)$*$55*$55*
Materials Fee* (non-refundable)applied 1st session$150$150$150
Finance Fee (non-refundable)n/a$215$530
Total (annually)$21,810/$21,910$22,025/$22,125$22,340/$22,440
Anticipated program total$43,430/$43,630$44,010/$44,210$44,650/$44,840
Tuition is billed annually. All fees are applied to first tuition payment. Subject to annual tuition increase.

*STRF Fee may apply ($2.50 per $1,000 of institutional charges as of 4/1/2022) Effective April 1, 2024, STRF will change to $0.00 per $1,000 of institutional charges.

AOS Degree in Acting (Method Acting) Tuition & Fees
Tuition is billed annually (Fall-Spring)

Tuition (annual)$29,835$29,835$29,835
Registration Fee (non-refundable$150/Domestic$250/Int’l$150/Domestic$250/Int’l$150/Domestic $250/Int’l
Materials Fee (non-refundable) year 1$150$150$150
Finance Charge (non-refundable)$0$300$750
STRF Fee (non-refundable)see *see *see *
Total for 1 year$30,210/$30,310$30,510/$30,610$30,960/$31,060
Total for AOS degree (2 years)$60,270/$60,470$60,870/$61,070$61,770/$61,970
Tuition is billed annually. All fees are applied to first tuition payment. Subject to annual tuition increase.

*STRF Fee may apply ($2.50 per $1,000 of institutional charges as of 4/1/2022) Effective April 1, 2024, STRF will change to $0.00 per $1,000 of institutional charges.


*Discounts cannot be combined
FOR ALL PROGRAMS: 10% Tuition discount SAG-AFTRA MEMBERS 20% discount during SAG-AFTRA Strike effective 8/5/202311/9/2023

$4,750/year discount VETERANS

Payment plans may be available for the Los Angeles campus. For the 12-week term payments: 2 payment plan = $50 nonrefundable finance charge & 3 payment plan = $100 non-refundable finance charge.

Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF)

The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic loss suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution, who is or was a California resident while enrolled, or was enrolled in a residency program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition.
You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if you are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program.
Effective April 1, 2024, the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) assessment rate will change from two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of institutional charges to zero dollar ($0.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of institutional charges.