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Frequently Asked Questions



Do you have any well known alumni?

What is the difference between the New York and Los Angeles campus?

Do you have auditions for admission?

What qualifications do I need to be admitted to The Institute? Am I likely to be admitted?

I just completed High School/Lyceum, but am not 18 years old yet. Can I still apply to the adult programs?

What is the average age of students? Will I fit in?

What are the class sizes?

Do you offer scholarships?

Do you accept international students?

Will you help me find work as an actor?

Can I start with the 12-Week Program and extend into the One or Two Year Program?

Do you offer a degree program?

What is the difference between the Two-Year Conservatory and Associate Degree Program (Los Angeles)?

What is the BFA program? How do I apply for it?

What is the difference between Credit and Clock Hours (Los Angeles)?

Can I visit the school? Can I audit a class?

What kind of performance opportunities are there?

Do you provide assistance with housing? Do you help with  finding a roommate?

What will I receive when I complete the program?

Do you offer financial aid?

What kind of jobs will I be eligible upon graduation?