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YAS Film Festival


The Lee Strasberg Film Festival: Young Actors Edition

Each year, The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute produces the Lee Strasberg Film Festival to encourage students and alumni to create and showcase self-produced films. In tandem with this annual celebration, LSTFI proudly presents the Lee Strasberg Film Festival: Young Actors Edition.

The Young Actors Film Festival is held in conjunction with our 10-Week Winter term. Students enrolled in the Winter Saturday Program or After-School on-camera classes will spend the semester working on scenes, monologues, and short films to present at the end of the term. The semester culminates with a black tie gala, a red carpet procession, and an evening of film screenings.

The Young Actors Film Festival, and the Winter term as a whole, offer students a unique opportunity to hone their acting on camera skills, emerge with footage for professional use, create lasting memories, and celebrate their accomplishments and the magic of film. Awards are presented in a closing ceremony to recognize students not for their acting skills, but for Creativity, Courage, and Community Building.