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International Workshops



The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute partners with producers all over the world to bring Lee Strasberg’s Method Acting techniques and training to actors.

At our International Workshops, actors learn to express powerful emotions and are encouraged to leave behind conventional, superficial, and clichéd expressions in search of their own unique artistic voices. The Method™ trains actors to use their physical, mental, and emotional selves in the creation of the story’s characters, and stresses the way in which personal experience can fire the actor’s imagination. This is the spark that turns an accomplished technician into an inspired artist and what makes Lee Strasberg’s Method a vital technique for actor training.

Please note that the below International Workshop offerings are separate from our regular campus programs and do not count as credit toward Conservatory or degree completion. Students will receive a Letter of Completion at the end of the Workshop.


Additional workshops include Toronto, Canada (2022); Paris, France (2023); and Sofia, Bulgaria (2024).


If I live in a different country, can I still attend a workshop?

How much does the workshop cost?

How old do I have to be to attend a workshop?

Do have I have to audition to attend a workshop?

How do I produce a workshop?

Do you offer corporate workshops?