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Herbert F. Hugh


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F. Hugh Herbert was born in Vienna, Austria, on May 29, 1897, and raised and educated in London. Herbert was already an accomplished novelist and short story author when he began working as a screenwriter in the mid ’20s. Among his first screenplay assignments was the 1926 adaptation of his novel “There You Are.” Herbert dealt with the sexual awakening of adolescents in his writing and this provided the basis for his 1943 Broadway play KISS AND TELL, published by Dramatists Play Service, Inc. Herbert directed two films, “The Girls of Pleasure Island” and “Scudda Hoo, Scudda Hay.” Another Broadway play written by Herbert, THE MOON IS BLUE, is also published by Dramatists Play Service and was adapted for the screen in 1953. Herbert held the presidency of the Screen Writers Guild for the 1953-1954 year. He died on May 17, 1958, in Beverly Hills, CA.