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Breaking the Code


  • By
  • Genre: Drama
  • Casting: LGBTQ
  • Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2M, 2W


A biographical drama about a man who broke too many codes: the eccentric genius Alan Turing who played a major role in winning the World War II; he broke the complex German code called Enigma, enabling allied forces to foresee German maneuvers. Since his work was classified top secret for years after the war, no one knew how much was owed to him when he was put on trial for breaking another code the taboo against homosexuality. Turing, who was also the first to conceive of computers, was convicted of the criminal act of homosexuality and sentenced to undergo hormone treatments which left him physically and mentally debilitated. He died a suicide, forgotten and alone. This play is about who he was, what happened to him and why.

Character Breakdown

Alan Turing
Mick Ross- detective
Christopher Morcon- Turing's childhood friend (1911–1930)
Sara Turing- Turing's mother (1881–1976)
Ron Miller- a young man having an affair with Turing (based on Arnold Murray)[1]
Dillwyn Knox- manager at Bletchley Park recruiting Turing for government service
Patricia "Pat" Green- a co-worker of Turing's at Bletchley