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Heroes and Saints


  • By
  • Genre: Drama
  • Casting: BIPOC, LGBTQ
  • Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2M, 2W


This searing play takes place in California’s Central Valley where Mexican immigrants are employed at survival wages to work in fields poisoned by pesticides. Their ramshackle government homes are built over dumps where toxic waste poisons the water. The community has suffered a high incidence of cancer–especially in children–, birth defects, and other illnesses related to long-term intake of toxic substances. One of the main characters, Cerezita, has only half a body, and often occupies center stage encased in an altar-like contraption where only her head shows. She turns pages, points, and performs other basic functions with tongue and teeth. She is a prophetic figure, willing to see and speak, because seeing and speaking are all she can do, and to name the evils that others prefer to call the will of God. She seeks and finds intellectual companionship in the local priest who is struggling to find an appropriate way to minister to a parish divided among disillusioned cynics turned alcoholic, pious women who want nothing to do with politics, and the angry young, including one young homosexual who feels driven to leave a loving but uncomprehending family, and reveals to the priest that he has AIDS. The community has been involved in recent protests that consist of hanging the bodies of recently deceased children on crosses in the fields. This dramatic protest has caused public outrage and attracted media attention. The play culminates in a protest in which Cerezita and the priest are shot down and the young man with AIDS cries out for the community to burn the fields. The curtain falls on burning vineyards.

Character Breakdown

AMPARO, the comadre and activista
ANA PEREZ, the news reporter
DOLORES, the mother
BONNIE, a neighbor's child "adopted" by AMP ARO and DON GILBERTO YOLANDA, the hairdresser sister
MARIO, the sometimes-student brother
FATHER JUAN, the "half-breed" leftist priest
DON GILBERTO, the compadre, AMPARO's husband
EL PUEBLO, the children and mothers of McLaughlin; THE PEOPLE/PRO-
TESTORS/ AUDIENCE participating in the struggle (ideally, EL PUEBLO should be made up of an ensemble of people from the local Latino community)