- By
- Genre: Drama
- Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2M, 2W
- Publisher: Link
In this modern day riff on The Scarlet Letter, Hester La Negrita, a homeless mother of five, lives with her kids on the tough streets of the inner city. Her eldest child is teaching her how to read and write, but the letter “A” is, so far, the only letter she knows. Her five kids are named Jabber, Bully, Trouble, Beauty and Baby, and the characters are played by adult actors who double as five other people in Hester’s life: her ex-boyfriend, her social worker, her doctor, her best friend and her minister. While Hester’s kids fill her life with joy—lovingly comical moments amid the harsh world of poverty—the adults with whom she comes into contact only hold her back. Nothing can stop the play’s tragic end.
Character Breakdown
Hester (F, Mother of five bastard children)
Jabber (M, Hester's oldest son, 13
Bully (F, Hester's oldest daughter, 12)
Trouble (M, Hester's middle son, 10)
Beauty (F, Hester's youngest daughter, 7)