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Our Dear Dead Drug Lord


  • By
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Casting: BIPOC
  • Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2W


A gang of teenage girls gathers in an abandoned treehouse to summon the ghost of Pablo Escobar. Are they messing with the actual spirit of the infamous cartel kingpin? Or are they really just messing with each other? A roller coaster ride through the danger and damage of girlhood – the teenage wasteland – has never been so much twisted fun.

Character Breakdown

Pipe - 18, Cuban-American. President of the Dead Leaders Club. Brilliant, sophisticated, intense. Makes the rules. Will run a Fortune 500 company one day. Zoom - 15, Jewish-American. Pipe's next-door neighbor. Impulsive, hilarious, excitable. Wears glasses. Will go through many phases of "finding herself" Squeeze- 16 Puerto Rican and Haitian-American. Pipe's best friend. Practical, grounded, creative. Allergic to cats. Will run for Congress the second she is old enough. Kit - 17. Columbian-American. New girl in town. Sensual, mysterious, restrained. The kind of impossibly cool that is both intimidating and seductive. Not so much thinking about the future, only how to get by in the moment