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Pizza Man



It’s a hot summer evening and Julie Rodgers has had a bad day. Her boss made a pass at her that she rejected, so she got a pink slip with her check. Julie’s broke and disillusioned, so she drinks and turns on the stereo full blast to make the pain go away. Then her roommate comes home in the midst of an eating frenzy; her boyfriend has gone back to his wife, so Alice has turned to food to forget. Julie suggests another way to vent their man-caused frustrations: they should pick a guy, any guy… and take advantage of him. Men have been doing it for years; why can’t a woman try it? Enter a pizza delivery man who agrees to come in and share a beer with them. The evening gets crazier, wilder, angrier, and very, very funny.

Character Breakdown

Julie Rogers (F, Late 20s)
Alice Meyerlink (F, Mid 20s)
Eddie (M, Late 20s, Pizza man)