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  • By
  • Genre: Drama
  • Casting: BIPOC, LGBTQ
  • Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2M, 2W


The hottest day of summer is interrupted when a community leader is rushed to the hospital. As Red fights for his life, the neighborhood bands together to hunt down his wannabe executioner. Through belly laughs, cold beer and blunt smoke, the truth about the shooting at “Red’s Deli” bleeds out. Relationships are tested, lies are told, questions are answered, confessions are made — and before sundown, the neighborhood loses a piece of its heart forever.

Character Breakdown

VINCE | 25 - 30 | Male/Masc
Vince is a single father. His nine-year-old daughter Rosie has spent most of her life in Chicago Children’s Cancer Center. He was a musician at one point, but with a sick daughter, there’s no time for pipe dreams. He works three or four jobs at a time to try and catch up on past-due bills...
But he’s not working today. Today he’s drinking and bullshitting with his best friend (more like a brother) David. Cause family is more important than anything.
DAVID | 25 - 30 | Male/Masc
Muscled and worn. Did ten years in the county, and looks like it. Got two years of marijuana possession as a teenager. Developed a bad temper and heroin problem inside, and caught eight more years. But now he’s out, sober, and trying to figure out who he is. His arms are covered in scarred track marks and shitty prison tattoos. He’s got a huge heart. He’s an older brother too... which always feels like an afterthought. But his sister Windy didn’t visit or call when he was in prison. So it’s on her they’re basically strangers.
WINDY | 20 - 25 | Female/Femme
David’s younger sister, but she’s never felt like it. He’s always cared more about Vince than her anyway. Tough as nails and independent. The only person born in the neighborhood that’s getting out, and thank God for that. Not actual God though. If there’s one thing her life’s taught her, it’s that God doesn’t exist. Or he’s a prick. Either way, she takes care of things herself. And she’d prefer it that way. She’s typing up loose ends, getting out of the neighborhood, and never coming back. The end.
SYD | 20 - 25 | Female/Femme/Enby
Syd’s blind in one eye. Maybe wears an eyepatch. Maybe fuck that. A hard workers and wise far beyond their years. Muscled from lugging boxes around their Uncle Red’s store. Somehow always knows what to say. Hides pain well. Imposing yet kind. There’s no one else like Syd in the neighborhood. Except maybe Red. But he might be gone soon. And he’s all Syd has. **In this script, characters use they/them/theirs pronouns when speaking to Syd. Know that these characters would make the effort to use any pronouns Syd wants. Change pronouns in dialogue to reflect your casting if necessary. It’s easy.
TRIGG and KYRI | 25 - 35 | Any or No Gender
YOOOOO. Two dope, royal, people of color. Kings, Queens, or anything in between. Trigg and Kyri host the dopest radio show on the fuckin planet. They know everything and everyone. They got eyes and ears everywhere. They’re the rhythm of the city. Stupid fast with belly laughs. They fly through improvised dialogue withwild disregard for the FCC. A Greek chorus with misdemeanors. A modern-day Abbot and Costello - but they use “fuck” as a filler word.
An important note |
These characters are from a small, close-knit neighborhood, in a crevice of a big city.
They are urban. They are working class. They aren’t from nuclear families.
Their ethnic background, sexuality, and gender identity varies.
The cast must reflect this.
These characters are not pasty-ass, culturally whitewashed suburbanites.