- By
- Genre: Comedy
- Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2W
Two sisters and a dog live out their lives on the bleak English moors, dreaming of love and power. The arrival of a hapless governess and a moor-hen set all three on a strange and dangerous path. The Moors is a dark comedy about love, desperation, and visibility.
Character Breakdown
Agatha - Female. Elderly Spinster. Spidery. Dangerous. Powerful. Huldey - Female. Younger spinster sister. She has a diary. She wants to be famous. Emilie - Female. The governess. A romantic with a sweet face. Marjory - Female. The scullery maid. Down-trodden. Strategic The Mastiff - Male. The dog. A sad philosopher-king. A Moor-hen - Female. A small chicken. Practical and very present-tense