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Wig Out



When Eric falls for the handsome Wilson on the subway, he doesn’t know what he’s in for. Because Wilson is also Nina, a rising drag star in The House of Light, and when a competing house calls a ball for midnight, Eric is drawn into battle. Part turf war, part pageant, all conquest, Wig Out! is a mesmerizing trip into the heart of African-American drag ball culture by way of Ovid, Jay-Z, and Destiny’s Child. From the acclaimed author of The Brother/Sister Trilogy and Choir Boy comes a dazzling spectacle about the timeless desires to be desired, find your home, and dominate anyone who throws you shade.

Character Breakdown

Lucian: a Latino man, in his late twenties, the Founding Father of the House of Light Rey-Rey: a man of color, in late twenties, the legendary Mother of the House of Light Wilson aka Ms. Nina: a handsome man of color, in late teens, early twenties, the first child of the House of Light Venus: a young Latina/Black man with a beautiful face, in his early twenties, the face of the House of Light Diety: a young man of color, twenties, the DJ for the House of Light, the ex-boyfriend of Venus Fay- a young woman, late teens, early twenties Fate - a young woman of color, late teens, early twenties Faith: a young woman of color, twenties