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Kate Crackernuts

Kate Crackernuts
By Sheila Callaghan
Directed by Lauren Spencer

April 25 – 27, 2024 | The Irma Sandrey Theatre

SYNOPSIS: Loosely based on a British fairytale, Kate Crackernuts follows Kate and her sister Anne on a surreal and hilarious quest after Anne wakes up with a sheep’s head between her shoulders. Their journey is sidetracked, however, by Kate’s obsession with a slim raver-boy who has a nasty little addiction.

Alexander Danishmand, Taylor Fuchs, Leah Hampson, Serenity Mariana, Paris Lee, Billy Liao, Madeline Lowe, Leynah Nguyen, Marco Quesada, Emiliano Reyna, Maimuna Suwaneh, and Gabriel Winkler