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Quinn the Magnificent

LSTFI proudly presents the 2023 StrasbergWORKS selection, Quinn the Magnificent by Paige Susan Anderson!


Cornelius Boeder’s Scissors is selected as the 2022 StrasbergWORKS production!

Wine and Pizza

Sisters Melissa and Liz have had a strained relationship over the years, but especially since the death of their father three years ago. “Wine and Pizza” is an examination of the human spirit during one family’s heartache, dysfunction, and survival.


goosey strasberg student production

Growing up, Lucy had to deal with her father’s fame as a comedian and, especially, his most prominent creation: Days in the Hospital – a TV show inspired by her mother’s death.


Two astronauts who land on Mars and encounter God, only to have their belief system and way of life challenged. Also, God is not quite who they pictured she’d be. In fact, she’s a Jewish auntie who’s into kink.

Love Letters to My Children

Based on the true story of Lina Savaldi, Love Letters to My Children follows the Salvadi family, a tightly knit Italian Jewish clan whose parents emphasize national identity and bourgeois values over religion.

I Remember It Well

Presented as the StrasbergWORKS official selection, I REMEMBER IT WELL is an original play written by LSTFI student Alexis Chevalier.