I Remember It Well
By Alexis Chevalier
Directed by Alex Notkin
2015 StrasbergWORKS Selection
July 22-24, 2015 | The Lee Strasberg Theatre
The StrasbergWORKS program is an initiative set up by The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute to encourage students to create original work. This series is an excellent opportunity to take creative risks and explore new play ideas in a safe and supportive environment.
Featuring: Alexis Chevalier, Matt Serra, Sam Schall, Piotr Mar, Miah Gonzales, Indiana Tali, Ben Rademacher, Michah Stinson, Kian Kavousi, Alexandra Kainoa
Creative Team:
Choreographer: Elena Notkina
Set Design: Damien Charpentier
Photography: Bailey Carr