There is a brand new program at The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute Los Angeles. It is a degree program to receive an Associate of Occupational Studies in Acting (also called AOS). This program is the first of it’s kind, the only degree program in The Method offered from the source: the Strasberg Institute. The degree program is different from the Two-Year Conservatory program because when students finish the program, after six 12-week terms, they will have a degree in Acting. The degree program is in it’s first year and the students just finished their first term.
One student, Vjosa Halili, shared her experience with the degree program after just one term.

Originally from Sweden, Vjosa actually began her professional training at the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles. She felt overwhelmed with the variety of techniques at the Academy. “I wanted to have one technique… The Method spoke to me,” so she decided to continue her studies at Strasberg. Vjosa chose the degree program for a variety for reasons, “It was very new and I wanted to do a degree… it sounded very exciting.” Another draw for Vjosa was the one year of OPT (Optional Practical Training for international students) she would get after the completion of the degree.
After one term, Vjosa is loving Strasberg. “They really take care of us,” says Vjosa, “the school in general is so supportive… it is a safe and nice environment.” The structure of the degree program suits Vjosa well, “They, [the administrative staff], choose what they think we need for our careers… we have someone to guide us.”
Her favorite classes are Method Acting. The degree program consists of two Method Acting classes with different teachers. Vjosa comments that the styles of the two teachers they have compliment one another; “there are two different ways of teaching, combining them together makes perfection.” The other classes, such as theatre history, improvisation, and vocal basics have all worked together to help Vjosa improve her acting. “I’ve learned so much and evolved in my acting… I’ve skyrocketed in my art.”
The Associate Degree Program is unique to The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute’s Los Angeles Campus. Explore the AOS course catalog and other information by visiting the Associate Degree in Acting page.