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Alumni Spotlight: Jeff Bosley

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When Jeff Bosley began his studies at The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute in Los Angeles, his Method Acting teacher, David Salsa, asked everyone to write down what their goal as an actor was. Jeff wrote, “to give the audience whatever they need in their life.” Ever since then, Jeff has let that goal dictate his acting career.

“Find the things that make you giddy. Whatever things make you giddy- don’t lose that… Method Acting gives me that giddiness.”

Jeff Bosley’s Advice for Actors

Prior to acting, Jeff had an Army career and was a firefighter. His job in the military had a lot to do with “faking who you were, dare I say acting…. that was so comfortable for me.” He had enjoyed acting growing up and after the military, he “finally just went for acting.”

Discovering The Method

“I cherish the experiences I had in Method Acting… Some Method was very hard for me [at first], I am too analytical… The Method lets me shut my brain off”

Jeff Bosely on his time at LSTFI
Parallax Poster

When Jeff began training at LSTFI, he noticed something interesting about the technique. “I was doing [The Method] inherently and not knowing it!” This probably wouldn’t be a surprise to Lee Strasberg, he always said ‘The Method has been used throughout history by actors who have been acting well.’ Even before LSTFI, Jeff had “a playlist for relaxation” because he recognized how important it was to relax. During training he learned to develop a “toolbox” of techniques that he could rely on if he “would break [character] and have to go back” into the moment.

Since training at Strasberg, Jeff has been part of many TV and movie projects including Vice (2018 movie), Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and SEAL Team. He also finds joy acting in Indie films. “The best part of an Indie film is that they are fueled on passion.” One of his most challenging roles came from an Indie film called Parallax. Parallax follows the story of two film makers who are trying to make a genuine Western film and they hire a real cowboy, Wayne Johnson (Bosley), as their leading man.

“They think [Wayne] is the perfect cowboy, but he is actually the antithesis of that.” Wayne was a bad man, going as far as sexually assaulting a woman in the movie. “I was always playing the good guy role… I had to find whatever seed in my that would create the character.” “Some of the worst people like that exist,” and Jeff had to use techniques in his “toolbox” to portray such a horrible person on film.

Reaching for Reacher

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says '#BOSLEYFORREACHER'

Jeff has some exciting projects on the horizon. Currently, he is working toward being cast in a new reboot of the Jack Reacher franchise. The Jack Reacher books, written by Lee Child, were turned into a movie series in 2012 starring Tom Cruise. Though Cruise has the acting chops and star power, he wasn’t the body type required to play Reacher. According to Child “the size of Reacher… is a big component of who he is” (

Jeff Bosley, a 6’5″, ex-military actor, knows he fits the description of Reacher perfectly. He is being considered for the role, but he knows “there is so much that is out of our control.” Right now Jack Reacher is “what I’m living and breathing,” says Jeff. His fan base has created the hastag #bosleyforeacher in support of him. Even the comments in this Variety Article show the public’s support for Jeff.

Right now, Jeff’s main goal is “to escape the starving artist phase.” He loves acting in many ways, but he finds stage acting “more rewarding for the performer… 60 to 90 minutes of being in the moment.. I see why a lot of classically trained people go back to stage when they can afford it.” Here’s hoping that Jeff will one day be able to afford to return to the stage.

The Alumni Blog for LSTFI is run by Aly Homminga.

If you are an alumni and have a story you think should be featured, please email [email protected]

1 thought on “Alumni Spotlight: Jeff Bosley

  1. This is not only a fantastic webpage, this spotlight is well written. Not only have I learned a deal more about Jeff, I learned more about the LSTFI and the kind of talent you attract and the skills you cultivate in those people who attend. The quotes made by Jeff are genuine and cause me to reflect, sharing a unique perspective on the film industry and the actor that is in this spotlight. Thank you.

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