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Method Lab

Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday […]

Method Lab

Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday […]

Method Lab

Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday […]

Method Lab

Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday […]

Method Lab

Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday […]

Method Lab

Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday […]

Method Lab

Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday […]

Method Lab

Advanced 1-day workshops taught by David Lee Strasberg, designed for experienced Method Actors to continue their training. Offered one Saturday […]

Method Lab Master Class

Saturday Master Class Lab: Advanced 1-day workshops designed for the experienced Method actor to continue their training. Offered 1 Saturday […]

Method Lab Master Class

Saturday Master Class Lab: Advanced 1-day workshops designed for the experienced Method actor to continue their training. Offered 1 Saturday […]

Alumni Spotlight: Ingrid Jean-Baptiste

Ingrid posing on a street

Founder of the Chelsea Film Festival and actress Ingrid Jean-Baptiste continues to dedicate her life to empowering women and making the film industry a better place.

Alumni Spotlight: Nate Boyer

Nate Boyer is a former Green Beret and Pro-Football player for the Seattle Seahawks. Find out how he found his way to LSTFI and how The Method has helped his acting career.

Shani Atias: Work Hard Over and Over Again

Shani Atias Headshot

Alumna Shani Atias shares the importance of discipline and hard work in an acting career. Her training at LSTFI has helped her tap into her self and connect with her characters.

Alumni Spotlight: Jeff Bosley

Seasoned actor Jeff Bosley cherishes the time he spent at The Institute. For every role, he looks to his Method Acting toolbox to find sensory exercises that work for him.

Marthilia Svarna: Storytelling in New Languages

marthilia svarna

Alumna Marthilia Svarna uses her Strasberg training to branch out, collaborate, and write her own stories. Her play “Our Basement” has been translated into Greek and is now showing in Athens!

50th Anniversary Photo

Calling all Strasbergians! Are you a current student or alumni of The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute? If so, […]