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Mira Rakhmanova

Mira Rakhmanova a New York based actress, stage director and producer. She currently works in film and TV, projects include The Americans and House of Cards. She holds an MA in Economics from prestigious Moscow State University where she also started her professional training in acting. She studied acting also at the Moscow Art Theatre School.

Mira has worked in leading theatre companies in Russia, including Pyotr Fomenko Theatre, Vakhtangov Theatre, Gogol Center Theatre, Meyerhold Theatre, and Bolshoi Theatre. In 2012, she graduated from The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute in New York and went on to work in the industry in the US. 

Mira’s technique rests upon the combination of the Lee Strasberg Method, Stanislavsky tradition, and first-hand experience of working with top directors. She believes that discovering individual talent and natural uniqueness in each one of her students is key to building their actor’s craft. She knows how complex and fragile this path may be, and she provides enormous support and personal attention to every student.