- By
- Genre: Drama
- Breakdown: 2W
- Publisher: Link
Richard and Rachel, a well-off California couple, have everything except a child. They locate Wanda and Al, a desperately poor couple in Louisiana, who agree to let them adopt their next baby. Both parties do their best to make the arrangement work, but their class differences create unbearable tensions.
Character Breakdown
Wanda LeFauve (F, Late 20s-Early 30s) dirt poor, has four kids and believes in God.
Al LeFauve (M, 6'2) Wanda's husband. Looks like a refugee from a country-western band.
Rachel Luckman (F, early to late 30s) She's from Los Angeles. She has a husband, a job, a house, a pool, smart friends and a good diet.
Richard Luckman (M, early to late 30s) Rachel's husband. Short. A nice man outside of business.
Ron (M, lawyer)