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Jennifer Lassalette

has worked in theaters all over the United States and Europe as either producer, stage manager

or actress. Among her many theatrical experiences are: Griffin and Sabine, at the International Play Festival in Spoletto, Italy, directed by Edoardo Ponti and executive-produced by Sophia Loren, Reunion In Prague, by Hildy

Brooks, directed by Lou Antonio at the National Theater in Prague, Czech Republic which was sponsored by Czech President and First Lady Vaclav and Dagmar Havel, The Jewish Wife & Informer by Bertolt Brecht at The Strasberg Creative Center, which was named by The Hollywood Reporter as the best small theater production of the year. Other credits include: A national tour of Lovers and Other Strangers with Renee Taylor and Joseph Bologna, Playboys of the Western World at the award winning Pacific Resident Theater in Venice CA. Some film and television credits are, In Heat, Other Peoples Parties directed by Academy Award nominated director, Bobby Garibedian , Already Dead with Academy Award winner Christopher Plummer, Everybody Loves Raymond and Touched By An Angel. She was the Production Supervisor at the historic El Portal Theater in the NoHo Arts District for 8 years. In 2018, she was offered the position of Assistant General Manager of The Actors Studio and has been there since.

She studied at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, The Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute, and UCLA.