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Michael Lawrence Eisenstein

Michael Lawrence Eisenstein is a NYC based Equity Actor, Fight Choreographer and Martial Artist. He is a graduate of NYU Tisch School of the Arts and The Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute. Select Stage Credits: Arnold Epstein, Biloxi Blues (National Tour), Dewey, S4 (Provincetown Playhouse), Tyrrel, Richard III (NY Classical). Select Film Credits: Winter Has No Sun, Factory 91, Jersey Shore Massacre. Michael was taught by J. David Brimmer, and assisted him on the Made in Poland (Off Broadway). He is the resident stage combat instructor and choreographer at Brooklyn High School of the Arts and has taught stage combat for The Montana Rep, Sitka Fine Arts Camp and Saint David’s School. He has also choreographed for NY Classical, Flux, Dreamscape, and Boomerang theater companies. As a martial artist and master teacher, Michael is the founder and head instructor of Eisenstein’s Academy of Taekwon-Do and currently holds the rank of 6th Dan. Michael has been teaching Tai Chi for over fifteen years and is proud to continue the legacy of excellence established by Lee Strasberg over fifty years ago.