In our modern education system we are constantly told that we are not enough. That we are not this, that we are not that. That we should be more like him or more like her and that what we feel and what we have lived through pales into insignificance compared to the others who have gone before us. Although this might be very informative and may be very “educational” and good for us it very often does not give one the confidence or inspiration to break the mold.
Fortunately this is not the case at Strasberg. All that you will be asked for at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute is that firstly you work hard and most importantly that you be truthful. A teacher of mine at the school once told us that Lee Strasberg was the first person who made him feel that he was enough and that he was all he needed to be. That same teacher made me feel the same way and thus inspired an inner confidence in me that in this fast moving, crazy, maybe ridiculous industry is worth its weight in gold, and, more importantly, is a very rare and precious thing indeed. So to the wonderful teachers and people at Strasberg – simply thank you!