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Los Angeles

The Legacy Award recognizes a current non-degree Institute student who embodies the characteristics of this great and versatile performer. This scholarship is presented to a current student, either domestic or international, with a passion for the craft of acting, unique talent, and a dedication to lifelong artistic development. The Legacy Award is for non-degree students only.

AOS Degree students will be considered for the LA Artist Grant which is awarded from the non-profit Lee Strasberg Creative Center. This grant is presented to a current AOS Degree student with a passion for the craft of acting, unique talent, and a dedication to lifelong artistic development, and is based on merit and need.

Current student Scholarships are available for the third term of study and beyond. Application is open for 2 weeks (Friday of Week 4-Friday of Week 6 of each term). Scholarship award would be for the following term.

Applicants must submit a completed application including

  • Headshot
  • Resume
  • Essay (900-1250 words) Discuss your short- and long-term artistic goals. How will receiving this scholarship impact your professional and artistic life? and How have you grown in your training already, and what goals and expectations do you have for your continued training? This may be submitted as a video essay not to exceed 4 minutes.
  • Strasberg transcripts
  • Letter(s) of recommendation and
  • Links to 2 contrasting self tape auditions (45-70 second monologues of choice).

Application Deadline: 5PM Friday of week 6 of the current term for review for the next term of enrollment. (Friday of week 6 of Winter term for review for scholarship for Spring term, Friday of week 6 of Spring term for Summer, Friday of week 6 of Summer term for Fall, Friday of week 6 of Fall for Winter)

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