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After the Revolution


  • By
  • Genre: Drama
  • Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2M, 2W


Emma Joseph, a bright, hard-working, recent law school graduate descended from a long line of Marxists, is continuing her family’s business of fighting for progressive ideals. She founded the Joe Joseph Fund four years ago, named for her grandfather who was blacklisted during the McCarthy era for refusing to name names, and is currently working to free a man on death row who is being punished for his outspoken political beliefs in much the same way. A curveball comes hurdling Emma’s way, however, when she finds out that her grandfather may have been passing information to Russians while working for the US government; a fact that was hidden from her by her father for her whole life, and one that calls into question the whole ideological basis for the activist causes she’s engaged in.

Character Breakdown

Ben, Emma, Leo, Mel, Vera, Miguel