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The Mineloa Twins


  • By
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Casting: BIPOC, LGBTQ
  • Breakdown: 1M+1W, 2M, 2W


THE STORY: A comedy in 6 scenes, four dreams, and seven wigs. There are two ways to produce this play; 1) with good wigs; or 2) with bad wigs. The second way is preferred. Myrna and Myrna, almost identical twins, battle each other through the Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan/Bush years over virginity, Vietnam, and Family Values.

Character Breakdown

Sarah- Played by the actress who also plays Jim Ben - Played by the same actor as Kenny, Myra's son Kenny- Myrna's son Jim- Myrna's fiance Myrna- The "Good" twin. Stacked. Myra - Played by the same actress as Myrna. The "evil" twin. Identical to Myrna except in the chestal area.