Kelly Reichardt’s seventh feature, “Certain Women,” is based on a collection of short stories by Montana author Maile Meloy. The film features three short stories of Montana women as they go about the daily grind of living their lives. Laura Dern stars in the first — and most eventful — story as Laura Wells, a small-time lawyer who has made the big mistake of getting emotionally involved in one of her cases.
The two other stories feature actresses Kristen Stewart and Michelle Williams. The film was released on October 14th 2016 and you can find it in certain movie theatre in New York City. Read more about the film here.
For those who do not know Claire Danes has been the star of Homeland for six seasons. Her character Carrie is a bipolar FBI agent facing political and social issues all while trying to maintain mental stability. This show has garnered her a few awards including a Golden Globe and two Emmys to name a few. In the Inquisitir online Claire speaks about her character spoils and the reason why she is filming in New York City. Read the full interview here.
Alumni News is curated by Terrease Aiken
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