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The Time of Your Life

The Time of Your Life
By William Saroyan
Directed by Daniel Winerman

October 26-28, 2017 | The Irma Sandrey Theatre

Joe is wealthy and doesn’t need to work, so he spends his days holding court in Nick’s Pacific Street Saloon. The bar is frequented by several colorful characters. Among the regulars are Joe’s oafish sidekick, a washed-up burlesque dancer, a hapless beat cop and Nick, owner of the bar. Rarely do they get up to anything more than drink and discuss the many vagaries of their lives, but Joe does his best to encourage the dreamer in each of them, as well as their many eccentricities.

Noah Casner , Alexander Cope, Ivory Brownback, Allison Prein, Carly Lynch, Alex Mainolfi,
Elizabeth Howie, Luzmyrna Crespo, Simone Elhart, Miranda Schumacker, Adam Southwick,
Diamond Taylor, Abigail Allen, Helene Henry, Krishna Lulla, Leona Stewart, Ashley O’Neill,
Ellie Yorke, Sean Dodge, Max Alagna, and Elliot Mallin

Stage Manager: Olivia Goble
Assistant Stage Manager: Kyvon Edwin
Scenic/Props Design: Katherine Barton
Costume Design: Sarah Thea
Lighting Design: Alex DeNevers
Sound Design: John Salutz
Fight Choreographer: Mitchell McCoy
Photography: Hunter Canning