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Alumni Spotlight: Sebastian Delascasas

Sebastian Delascasas is an up-and-coming actor originally from Bogota, Colombia, now based in New York City. He graduated from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts with the Class of 2020. Through NYU, Sebastian attended The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute for over two years where he studied Method Acting. Upon graduation, Sebastian received the Outstanding Achievement in Studio Award from LSTFI.

Graduating into COVID-19

The Class of 2020 faced the unprecedented obstacle of graduating into a pandemic. College seniors in every field found themselves searching for post-grad work in industries that had been largely crippled by COVID-19. Despite the challenging timing of his graduation, Sebastian has been successful in furthering his career as an actor.

Since finishing his studies at NYU, Sebastian found representation with A3 Artists Agency. With offices in New York, Los Angeles and the UK, A3 – formerly known as Abrams – has represented talent in the industry for over 40 years. Sebastian now finds himself regularly working and collaborating with other talented actors, directors, and casting directors. Most recently, Sebastian played the lead role in the award winning horror short, ‘6’.


Directed by Braxton Fannin, ‘6’ is a dark comedy starring Sebastian alongside fellow LSTFI alum Pao Malo. The short follows college freshman Max as he pursues his unusual (and deadly) career aspirations. Obsessed with the likes of Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer, Max is determined to be the next big serial killer. Although his dedication is apparent, Max comically struggles to work up to his first victim.

“[6] is one classy project. An original spin on a tired subgenre, with a solid style and great performance. Shorts rarely get better than this!”


‘6’ first premiered last year as part of the 2020 Lee Strasberg Film Festival. There, the film received multiple awards and nominations, including Best of the Festival. Since, ‘6’ has been an official selection at numerous film festivals around the world. Delivering a performance both hilarious and disturbing, Sebastian has already taken home the win for Best Actor at the Hollywood Blood Horror Festival, the Dark Comedy Festival, and LSTFI’s own Lee Strasberg Film Festival. Among others recognitions, ‘6’ received awards for Best Dark Comedy at the Hollywood Blood Horror Festival and Best Screenplay at the Horrors4U Film Festival.

What’s Next

Moving forward, Sebastian is keeping busy and is currently at work on multiple upcoming projects. He just finished shooting for ‘Live’, a short film headed for Tribeca and the Cannes Film Festival. Directed by Teo Marinakis, ‘Live’ stars Sebastian as a struggling musician suffering from depression and a severe drug addiction. Most excitingly, Sebastian has recently been cast in a major feature film shooting in Toronto, Canada, due for release in July 2022.