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Pulp Vérité

A team of filmmakers return to the States from Syria to finish a documentary. But what begins as a story about creating art to survive quickly becomes personal as the team finds themselves attempting the impossible: bringing the last member of their crew home.


When Wanda is delivered to Wayward, a nature camp for troubled teens, she finds herself immersed in a world of conflicting truths battling for salvation.

Balm in Gilead

Set in Frank’s Cafe, a greasy diner in NYC, the play focuses on the relationship between Joe, a drug dealer indebted to a kingpin named Chuckles, and Darlene, a naive girl who has just moved to the city.

Meet Steve DiUbaldo and David Mendizábal

steve diubaldo and david mendizábal

We had a chance to sit down with Steve DiUbaldo and David Mendizábal, who have been awarded The Clifford Odets Ensemble Play Commission and The Lee Strasberg Directing Fellowship, respectively.

I Remember It Well

Presented as the StrasbergWORKS official selection, I REMEMBER IT WELL is an original play written by LSTFI student Alexis Chevalier.

Reasons to be Pretty

reasons to be pretty student production

When Greg makes a seemingly harmless comment about his girlfriend Steph’s “regular” looking face, the information gets back to Steph and sends their relationship off the deep end.

The Dark at the Top of the Stairs

In a small Oklahoma town we find Rubin, a traveling salesman for a harness firm, Cora, his sensitive and lovely wife, Sonny, their little boy and Reenie, their teenage daughter.


As a friendship develops between longtime resident John Dodge and new arrival Mary Swanson, the lives of the inhabitants of Middletown intersect in strange and compelling ways.

Blue Window

Commitment is pictured as the blue window that skydivers see when they get ready to jump from a plane. Some people jump. Others hesitate, some to be pushed, some to never leave the plane.

Red Light Winter

Directed by Laura Savia, Red Light Winter will be traveling to Warsaw, Poland to represent the United States in the ITSelf Festival in Summer 2015.

The School Play

As a winter storm approaches, nine high school students are summoned to a darkened theater at midnight. Not one of them knows what they’re doing there or for what reason they, specifically, have been asked to come.


Big-shot Chicago laywer Billy Flynn takes on two new cases: Velma and Roxie. The two women – each accused of murdering her lover – fight for the spotlight as the media swarms their cases.

StrasbergTALKS: Estelle Parsons

On May 9, 2014, Estelle Parsons, Actor’s Studio Alum and longtime friend and student of Lee Strasberg, gave a StrasbergTalk about her experiences with Lee and using ‘The Method.’

Measure for Measure

The plot follows Angelo, who has been empowered by the Duke of Vienna to rule, while he wanders disguised as a Friar to investigate the moral corruption and decay of his city.

The Music Man

When smooth-talking con man Harold Hill arrives in a small, tight-knit town in Iowa, he expects to dupe its residents with his elaborate money making scheme.


Helen Alving has built an orphanage in honor of her late husband. She soon reveals to the local pastor, however, that her marriage was secretly miserable and her husband unfaithful.