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What of the Night

What of the Night
By María Irene Fornés
Directed by Leah Reddy
Dramaturgy by Gwendolyn Alker

October 24 – 26, 2019 | The Irma Sandrey Theatre

What of the Night by Cuban-American playwright María Irene Fornés is a four-act cycle that follows an American family from 1938, to 1958, through the 1970s, and into the hypothetical future. The play, framed by a quote from the Book of Isaiah, is a prophecy about the effects of greed and poverty on American life. A Pulitzer Prize finalist in 1990, today that prophecy feels perhaps more urgent than ever before.

Sherifa Abuduali, Valeria Benitez, Christian Clements, Camden Espino, Geo Kester, Matthew Lee,
Paula Leon-Gambetta, Grace Nguyen, Marrisa Bay Riggs, Sofia Sam, Tyler Warren

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