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Millennial Pink Falcon

Millennial Pink Falcon
By Katie Hathaway
Directed by Sarah Hartman

The Clifford Odets Ensemble Play Commission, Spring 2018
Sponsored by The Lee Strasberg Creative Center®

May 3 – 5, 2018 | The Irma Sandrey Theatre

A think tank in a distant but also not so distant future is tasked with the job of finding the best possible way to explain to humankind that there are humanoids in their midst. Chaos, lies, and first love in a world where everyone around you might be from another planet.

Will Brockman, Naomi Campagne, Noah Casner, Alex Cope, Simone Elhart, Allie Prein,
Alex Roesler, Meagan Sisler, Leona Stewart, Diamond Taylor, Rose Tibbetts, and Christa Vrabel

Stage Manager: Dylan Tashjian
Scenic/Props Design: Taylor Friel
Lighting Design: Carolyn Wong
Costume Design: Nell Simon
Wardrobe Head: Fadi Baidhani
Producing Manger: Haydn Díaz
Technical Director: Pope Jackson