Friday, March 27th is the 59th annual World Theatre Day! While theatres and acting schools across the country remain closed in the face of COVID-19, World Theatre Day remains a day to celebrate the art made on stage. At The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, we celebrate theatre as both education and entertainment. Lee Strasberg and the faculty of LSTFI have proudly trained hundreds of theatre artists over The Institute’s incredible 51 years and continue to do so – even over Zoom or Google Hangout!
What is World Theatre Day?
According to the World Organization for the Performing Arts, World Theatre Day is designed to celebrate theatre in all its forms across the globe and “share the joy for theatre with others.” The day also serves to shed light on theatre’s value in society, allow theatre communities to promote their work on a wide scale, and demonstrate the importance and reach of theatre to government leaders and policy makers.
Celebrating Theatre at LSTFI
In addition to world class actor training, the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute is proud to produce theatrical performances each term and provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills they develop in class. On top of productions every semester, LSTFI New York and Los Angeles each offer their own unique and exciting theatre opportunities. The New York campus offers a special program each summer called StrasbergWORKS. Each summer, a student-written play is selected for production at The Institute. Providing rehearsal and performance space and a production budget, the StrasbergWORKS program is an initiative to support students in their creation of original work. You can take a look at last year’s StrasbergWORKS show, Wine and Pizza, on the New York Past Productions page! In Los Angeles, the Institute partners with their in-house theatre company, Sixty-Six Theater. Sixty-six Theater is committed to bringing “honest, thought-provoking theater” to California audiences and offer three shows a year that LSTFI students can audition for.
With a variety of classes offered – including screenwriting, playwriting, and dramatic analysis – LSTFI prepares its students to be well-rounded theatre artists. Check out some of the incredible production photos from both campuses below!
The Benefits of Dramatic Education
Just in time for World Theatre Day, We The Parents writer Neve Spicer created an info-graphic detailing The 21 Evidence Based Benefits of Dramatic Education. From “building self-esteem and self-confidence” and “nurturing self-expression” to “encouraging empathy” and “inspiring intercultural sensitivity”, the benefits of dramatic education are endless. Firm believers in the benefits of theatre training, LSTFI is proud to offer actor training to students from all over the world. Read more about the benefits of dramatic education at!
Alumni and Faculty News written by Alysia Homminga
If you are an alumni with an interesting story and would like to be featured, please email Alysia at [email protected]