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Alumni Spotlight: Deana Taheri

Deana Taheri is a NYC-based actor, writer, filmmaker, and casting director. Read all about what she’s been up to since graduating.

Alumni Spotlight: Jenna Fink

Alumna Jenna Fink shares an update on her latest projects, The Holman House and Miss Jordan’s Spring 2020 Production!

Alumni Spotlight: Sandy Sidhu

Alumna Sandy Sidhu gets personal with film industry self-care, booking roles, and social issues that she cares about. Read about her journey to the LSTFI here.

Alumni Spotlight: Marquise Simmons

Veteran and LSTFI Alumnus, Marquise Simmons, has not let 2020 slow him down. From SEAL Team on CBS to award winning short films, Simmons has been working hard in the film and TV industry.

Alumni Spotlight: Michelle Twarowska

With training from LSTFI, Groundlings Improv, and life experience as a professional dancer and model, it seems there is nothing Michelle Twarowska cannot do.

Student Spotlight: Mónique Ray

Monique Ray, acting conservatory student, Army Veteran, and mother of two, has taken Method Acting classes online only. She has been thus far thrilled with the results.

Alumni Spotlight: Ingrid Jean-Baptiste

Ingrid posing on a street

Founder of the Chelsea Film Festival and actress Ingrid Jean-Baptiste continues to dedicate her life to empowering women and making the film industry a better place.

Laura Dern: Awards Season Queen

In 2020, LSTFI alumna Laura Dern was nominated for over 25 awards! Dominating this year’s season, Dern was celebrated at countless ceremonies – including The Oscars!

Alumni Spotlight: Nate Boyer

Nate Boyer is a former Green Beret and Pro-Football player for the Seattle Seahawks. Find out how he found his way to LSTFI and how The Method has helped his acting career.

Shani Atias: Work Hard Over and Over Again

Shani Atias Headshot

Alumna Shani Atias shares the importance of discipline and hard work in an acting career. Her training at LSTFI has helped her tap into her self and connect with her characters.

Alumni Spotlight: Jeff Bosley

Seasoned actor Jeff Bosley cherishes the time he spent at The Institute. For every role, he looks to his Method Acting toolbox to find sensory exercises that work for him.